Myagmarjav.B  /Sc.D and Prof/         

“Basic Development problem of the African Nomadic Husbandry”

Volume- 3 UB  2006  , 35  p.p 

    In this book, author describes the connection and correlation between nomadic livestock husbandry and agriculture, haymaking, food and light industry, foreign trade in the basis of real economical factors. For example, the criterion of light industry by calories per person, is described from this calories originated from animals, protein per day, animal originated protein by each countries. The correlation between light industry and nomadic livestock husbandry is found out in the size of main raw materials such as wool and leather production. The author of this book use next factors for determine regions having a nomadic animal husbandry:

1.      The nomadic animal husbandry developed up to a level ancient traditional habitual livelihood.

2.      Natural and climatic conditions. Especially the levels of the sediment.


3.      The customs of life and elements of the nomadic animal husbandry

4.      The land, which settled the nomads

5.      Percents of the pasture land in the balance of livelihood cattle in these.

6.      The definitions scientific about the countries that have the nomadic animals


The differentiation on countries having the nomadic animal husbandry in  

Asia, Africa and in the world enables us to determine the development and present condition , perspectives on nomadic animal husbandry and settlement animal husbandry and distinction between these types of an economy. The world climate zone is divided on four basic parts as tropical zone is divided on four basic parts as tropical zone, cool zone and cold zone. And it influences ground and flora covering of these zones. Tropical zone is equatorial region having rich green world of plants. Temperate zone marginal area between tropical and cool zones and there are scattered grasses and brushwood plants. Cool climate zone is bordered with desert area of temperate zone and consists from Gobi and desert.

            The world countries with nomadic livestock husbandry have derived benefit from animated livestock such as cow, sheep and goat by exporting to the foreign markets. Also these countries export meal of cow, goat and horse and not washed milk. We  are determine the growth and density of meat, milk, wool and weak milk exporting in 1975,1985, and 1998 years by the African 20 countries having the nomadic livestock husbandry.

            Also in this book is considered the connection of nomadic livestock husbandry with social, economical and political factors. Author underline the widely opportunities for further joint surveys and changing information between the countries having a nomadic livestock husbandry in spite of differentiation of the civilizations, and religions. In the final part of this chapter author determines by 2001 the livestock location of countries having a nomadic livestock husbandry by 20 countries of the Africa. In 2001.07.05 percent of the world horse livestock or 4.4 million horses, 11.1 percent of world cow or 151.7 million cows, 77.5 percent of the world camel or 14.8 million camels 18.4 percent of world sheep or 195.6 million sheep, 18.1 percent or 125.8 million goats have located in the African countries having a nomadic livestock husbandry. In this world region have located 30 percent of all the world livestock, 1/3 percent of pastureland, and populated about 40 million nomadic, also the nomadic livestock husbandry spreading in about 40 million nomads, also the nomadic livestock husbandry spreading in about 40 countries of the Asia and Africa. In present transformation period the Mongolian nomadic livestock husbandry provides the population by food needs in a sufficient level, the right industry and foreign trade by products and natural raw materials, the nomadic civilization by history and tradition, the nature and environment by pastoral land using and moving. And it positively influences on food safety, economic safety, safety of national culture both civilizations, and the ecological safety as nomadic livestock husbandry provides the national safety.


1.      Author includes to regions having a nomadic livestock husbandry 20 countries of Asia and 20 countries of Africa in result of many research works of the scholars by using distinctly systematical criterions. The differentiation on countries having the nomadic animal husbandry in Asia, Africa and in the world enables us to determine the development and present condition, perspectives on nomadic animal husbandry and settlement animal husbandry and distinction between these types of an economy.

2.      The Africa and Arabian countries have two seasons, therefore here exists nomadic type on temperate and humidity seasons. Also subtypes divided into borderland of Africa, Sahara and Sahelia.

3.      There are features of labor loading and methods for livestock breeding of nomads by all nomadic types.

4.      If compared with countries having settlement husbandry the population growth of the countries having a nomadic livestock husbandry is higher. And it influences development nomadic livestock husbandry.

5.      75-85 % percents of herdsmen-nor-nads of Asia and Africa live in the regions having a nomadic livestock husbandry.

6.      To export these product to the African countries having long tradition of the using nomadic livestock husbandry’s products

7.      To export these products to the high developed countries having needs for using the ecological pure product. The index for food and agriculture is the most important criterion for reveals the changing process of macro condition of livestock husbandry.

8.      Two basic branches of agriculture as an agrarian and livestock husbandry have a differently densities in countries. Such as, in the Mongolia, Botswana, Ethiopia and Algeria the livestock husbandry has the main position and in the Afghanistan, Chad and Syria the agrarian has a main position

In the regions having nomadic livestock husbandry has located the 15 percent of the world cultivated field and in the last 30 years a crop from each hectare grows on 1,6 time also in this period in settlement livestock husbandry a  crop from each hectare had grew in 2,3 times.

Haymaking is possessions land for pastoral livestock husbandry, in countries such as Mongolia has a widely pastoral land for using on haymaking, and after haymaking it is possible to use for herding livestock.

9.      Livestock nourishment prepared from haymaking completes the nourishment basis of livestock and saves from gang [dryness] and zud [livestock plague]


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